By Phill Bellamy
My thoughts on last Saturday’s session with Rami. Considering most of the Rami group have played some form of professional football at some stage in their past years, it was a great idea from Yorkie to mix and match the teams, 3 X 6, (4 from MWF with 2 from Rami).

The first 3 games were played where you were not allowed to score a goal just to keep possession, it worked out brilliantly with 20 + passes being made on a few occasions before the opposition got a touch.
When it came to the remaining games being played under the EFDN rules all of the games were very close with not many goals scored, but those that were came through keeping the ball and passing it short rather than trying to thread a long ball through.
The socialising afterwards (thanks to Irene and Prince Renato our Portuguese members from ADSÁ/MWF) put the ‘icing on the cake’ on a great day for everyone.
I and our MWF group learned so much from just one session. The footnote Rami enjoyed it so much they want to do it again !!
Well done everyone, so proud of you. Pops (Phill Bellamy)