Walking Football and Diabetes Care
Walking Football: A Revolutionary Prescription for Diabetes Management. In the global fight against diabetes, a surprising contender is gaining traction: Walking Football. This innovative adaptation of the world’s most popular…
MWF hosts Fiona (Fe) & Graham Gardner
Fiona (Fe) & Graham Gardner from Northampton Town Walking Football Fiona (Fe) & Graham Gardner are from the UK of the Northampton Town Walking Football team and recently joined our…
MWF hosts Jo Harwood from PNE WF
Madeira Walking Football hosts Jo Harwood from PNE WF On Monday, December 11th, the Madeira Walking Football (MWF) team had a special training session with a distinguished guest: Jo Harwood…
Madeira Walking Football – Gratifying Mix
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to further promote Madeira Walking Football. Phill Bellamy “Thank you for giving us the opportunity to further promote Madeira Walking Football. Yesterday was…
Latest MWF session
Another MWF session at the Centro Desportivo da Madeira. #madeirawalkingfootball #walkingfootball #mwf #madeira
Estrela d’Imaginação – Lda
We want to thank Estrela d’Imaginação – Lda for providing us with our banner, logos and t-shirts. They provide printing of various textile and clothing materials; marketing and printing of…
MWF sponsors vests
Our new sponsors vests (bibs). #madeirawalkingfootball #MWF #walkingfootball
Why walking football is the most beautiful game | A Search Story
Google UK Football is art – so why would you ever stop playing it? Malcolm and Paul are both active Walking Football players. Football gave them new purpose, friends and…